Service on Demand

Flexible and Scalable Well-Being Coaching

At Artkom, we recognize the unique value and potential of every employee, from those taking their first professional steps to the visionary leaders at the helm. Our corporate well-being coaching, with a foundation in the arts, is specially designed to resonate with and empower individuals across all levels of your organization. Discover how our services can be customized and scaled to meet the diverse needs of your team.

Why Choose Our Well-Being Coaching?

Tailored for Every Level

Our well-being coaching is customized to meet the unique needs of each role, from entry-level employees to top executives.

Artistic Approach

Grounded in the arts, our coaching methodology leverages creative processes to foster personal and professional growth. This approach not only enhances well-being but also encourages innovative thinking and problem-solving.

Key advantages


Our coaching programs are highly customizable, allowing us to address the specific needs of your organization. Whether you need one-on-one sessions for executives or group workshops for teams, we provide solutions that fit seamlessly into your corporate structure.


As your organization grows, our services can scale with you. We offer flexible coaching packages that can expand to accommodate increasing team sizes and evolving business goals.

Empowerment Across All Levels

From entry-level employees to top-tier executives, our coaching empowers every individual to reach their full potential. By focusing on well-being, we help create a healthier, more motivated, and more productive workforce.

Customized Coaching for Diverse Professional Tiers

  • Jumpstart your journey with foundational sessions focused on emotional intelligence, resilience, and creativity, equipping them with the skills needed for personal and professional growth.

  • Enhance leadership capabilities and team dynamics through targeted workshops that foster mindful management practices and innovative problem-solving approaches.

  • Step into executive-level retreats and coaching that focus on strategic thinking, empathy in leadership, and cultivating a culture of well-being and creativity at all organizational levels.

Scalable Solutions Tailored to Your Company’s Size and Needs

  • Enjoy flexible session packages and workshops designed to integrate seamlessly with your current development programs, ensuring a personalized approach to employee well-being.

  • Benefit from comprehensive, year-long programs that include a mix of individual coaching, group workshops, and retreats, all scalable to accommodate large numbers without sacrificing personal touch or impact.

  • Beyond our structured offerings, we are committed to co-creating bespoke solutions that align perfectly with your company's specific objectives and challenges. Whether it’s integrating art-based mindfulness into your daily routines or developing resilience through creative expression, we work hand-in-hand with you to ensure our services amplify your organizational strengths and address any areas of growth.

Additional Add-Ons

  • Enhance your experience with our range of add-on services, designed to provide extra value and personalization:

  • After-movie creation

  • Audio recordings of meditation sessions

  • Post-program coaching (1-on-1 sessions)

  • On-site delivery

  • Catering options

  • Hotel accommodations

  • Party/event at Artkom

How It Works

  1. Assessment:

    We begin with a thorough assessment of your organization’s needs and objectives.

  2. Customization:

    Based on the assessment, we design a coaching program tailored to your specific requirements.

  3. Implementation:

    Our skilled coach(es) deliver the program through a combination of individual sessions, group workshops, and ongoing support.

  4. Evaluation:

    We continuously evaluate the effectiveness of our programs and make adjustments as needed to ensure optimal outcomes.

Get Started

Ready to enhance the well-being of your workforce?

Contact us today to learn more about our flexible and scalable well-being coaching programs and how they can benefit your organization.